FROM:  Brian Lucero

To: Servidor Esda



Thanks again for continuing the discussion.  I will format my responses similar to last time.  Enjoy.



I was pleasantly surprised that you decided to continue pursuing this topic of assurance of forgiveness in Islam.  In Christianity the believers are guaranteed assurance of forgiveness.  In Islam, the best of believers still trembled at their deathbed, not knowing the promise of forgiveness.


You respond to my request to bring a few Qur’anic passages on forgiveness with this one below:

Alrighty then my signature is a great start. "Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. " Holy Quran 39:53

But you are still doing the same flawed mistake as last email.  Do you really believe Allah forgives ALL sins, hands down, nothing more?  I’m sure even you will even clarify by continuing the aayat with a clarifying “if” clause, or “except in cases of” etcetera.  Again, just because “Allah is Oft-Forgiving” does NOT mean he PROMISES to forgive.


To bring this point closer to home, I would like you to clearly answer this question about yourself, so that all muslims may see your declaration:  Do you personally have the unequivocal assurance that when you die you will be forgiven?  (YES or NO). 


Neither Muhammad, Abu Bakr, nor any other great Muslim forerunner believed in this “promise” of their forgiveness; but Servidor does.


Below will be found more hadith, quranic passages if you don’t believe the hadith, and deathbed last words.

There is no assurance of forgiveness nor of eternal destiny

"I heard the Messenger of Allah say - Verily the Almighty and Glorious Allah caught one hold with His right hand and another with another hand, and said: This is for this, and this is for this, and I don't care. I don't know in which of the two holds I am".

Mishkat III, p. 118

"Anas reported that the Apostle of Allah used often to say: O Changer of hearts! make my heart firm upon Thy religion. I said: O Prophet of Allah! I believe in you and in what you have come with. Do you still fear for us? 'Yes' said he, the hearts are between the two fingers [sic] Allah. He changes them as He likes".

Mishkat III, p. 111

"'Say: Nothing shall ever befall upon to us except what Allah has ordained for us'[sic].Mujahid said 'Bifatanin, Bimudillin': You cannot make anyone go astray except that whom Allah has written for to go to Hell [sic]".

Al-Bukhari - "Al-Qadr", Chapt. 14

"'Never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us'.

'If only Allah had guided me, I should indeed have been among the pious'".

Al-Bukhari - "Al-Qadr", Chapt. 15



Qur’an 17:57

Those whom they call upon do desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of.





There will be no one of you who will not enter it (Hell). This was an inevitable decree of your Lord. Afterwards he MAY save some of the pious, God-fearing Muslims out of the burning fire. S. 19:71-72


(The following is compiled at <>)

In the Mishkat we are told:

"Ibn Masud said that the Prophet of Islam said: All people shall enter hell. Then they will come out of it according to their works. Those who will come out first will do so like a flash of lightening, the next like a gaze of wind, then like a horse at full speed, afterwards like a swift rider, then like a man springing, and, finally, like the walk of a man." (Transmitted by Tirmidhi and Darimi)


This verse [S. 19:71] condemns all to Jahannam; both the righteous and unrighteous, pious and impious, believers in one God and believers in many gods; and nothing is said about coming out! [sic] Tabari has said in his commentary on this verse: "Not one of you people there is, but he shall go down to Jahannam; it is a judgment decreed from your Lord, Muhammad, to bring the down to it. He has pronounced this and decreed it in the mother of the Book [namely, the original text of the Book from which the Quran derives its revelation]." Al-Bukhari and others (Tawhid 24; Muslim, Iman 302, 323; al-Darimi, Riqaq 89; Ahmad b. Hanbal, III. 17, 25, VI. 110) have related: "People will go down to Jahannam and they will go out of it by their works; some like a wink of an eye, some like wind, some like a rider that is earnestly traveling, and still some like a man that is walking vigorously" (see al-Qurtubi's commentary on this verse). Al-Tabari said in his commentary: "Abu Kuraib told us that Ibn Yaman said, on the strength of Ibn Maghul and Ibn Ishaq: 'Abu Maisara used to say, while reclining to sleep: "I would that my mother had not given birth to me." Thereupon he was asked: "Maisara, what makes you cry?" He said: "[Muhammad] has told us that we will go down to it, but has not told us that we will come out of it."'" Ibn Hamid said: "Hakam told us, on the strength of Ishmael and Qais, 'Abdallah b. Rawaha wept when he was taken ill, and his wife wept as well. He said: "What makes you weep?" She said: "I saw you weeping, therefore I wept also." Ibn Rawaha said: "I learned that I am going down to hell, and do know whether I will be saved from it, or not"'" (see the commentaries of al-Tabari, al-Qurtubi, and al-Zamakhashari on this verse). Everyone, therefore is going to hell, and will come out later according to his works. "Had your Lord willed, He would have made mankind one nation; but they continue in their differences, except those whom your Lord has mercy. To that end He created them, and perfectly is fulfilled the word of your Lord: 'I shall surely fill Jahannam with jinn and men all together'" (Sura Hud 11:118, 119). (The True Guidance—Comments on Quranic Verses [Light of Life, P.O. Box 13, A-9503 Villach, Austria 1994], part 5, p. 208)


The following is taken from Dr. William Campbell's Book


Finally, to close this Chapter we shall look at the attitude of two of the earliest and greatest Muslims, which shows how they were feeling as death approached. Jens Christensen, after many years of Islamic studies, wrote,

"One of the things that often surprised me in my first studies of Islam was the note of despondency and insecurity that is found in the deathbed utterances of so many of Islam's great men.

"Abu Bakr, for example, was a prince among men, of sterling character and a true Muslim. Yet it is said of him that he was so fearful of the future and labored so much under distress that his breath was often as of a roasted liver. According to two traditions he is supposed to have said to Aisha on the day of his death,

'Oh my daughter, this is the day of my release and of obtaining of my desert:---if gladness it will be lasting; if sorrow it will never cease.'[12]

"Do you see those two "ifs"? Nothing in Islam can remove them; not even the fact that Abu Bakr was given the title

'Atiq (Free) because Muhammad is supposed to have told him: You are free (saved) from the fire."

T. P. Hughes quotes Omar as saying, "It had gone hard with my soul, if I had not been a Muslim"[13], but in telling of Omar's death Christensen writes,

"when Omar was lying on his deathbed, he is reported to have said, '...I am not other than as a drowning man who sees a possibility of escape with life, and hopes for it, but fears he may die and lose it, and so plunges about with hands and feet. More desperate than the drowning man is he who at the sight of heaven and hell is buried in the vision...Had I the whole East and West, gladly would I give up all to be delivered from this awful terror that is hanging over me. And finally touching his face against the ground he cried aloud: 'Alas for Omar, and alas for the mother of Omar, if it should not please the Lord to pardon me."

"Do you see Omar's difficulty? it is the uncertainty expressed in the "if" of the last sentence. That "if" does not express any feeling of uncertainty regarding Omar's faith, Omar's belief in one God, Omar's trust and confidence in the prophet, or Omar's lack of having lived a moral life. All of these things are in order as far as a human being could do that which is right.

"No. The "if" refers to Allah; "if" it should not please the Lord to pardon him".


"When Yazid was burying Omar his father, he is quoted as saying: 'I will not magnify him before the Almighty in whose presence he has gone to appear. If He forgives him it will be of His mercy; if He takes vengeance on him, it will be for his transgressions.'

"Here again you have the two "ifs"
If Allah forgives...
If Allah takes vengeance...

"This remark of Yazid's seems to me to epitomize the whole of Islam."[14]

"No man from Muhammad himself, right down to the least educated non-Arabic speaking Muslim who knows only a few prayers, would ever presume to know, or dare to predict what "if" will mean for him."[15]

Or to put it another way, Allah demands complete submission from each man, but He never commits Himself in any revealed way to His servants as individuals. There is no way that a man can know whether he will be saved or not.

This uncertainty is seen clearly in the middle Meccan sura of the Poets (Al-Shu'ara') 26:82, where Abraham speaks of,

"The Lord of the Worlds...Who will cause me to die and then to live (Abraham believes this and is sure of it); and Who, I hope (atma'u), will forgive me my sins on the day of judgement." (For his forgiveness he can only say, "I hope so")

In verse 52 of the same Sura, Moses and Aaron say to Pharaoh,

"We hope (natma'u) that our Lord will forgive us our sins."

And in 17:57, as we saw above

"even those (the angels and prophets) who are nearest. They hope (yarjuna) for his mercy and fear his wrath."

Finally three more verses from the Qur'an state very clearly that even those who have done their best are given only a "maybe" from Allah. In the late Meccan Sura of the Narration (Al-Qasas) 28:67, Allah says to his believers,

"But as for him who shall repent and believe and do right, perhaps ('asa an) he may be one of the successful."

The same idea is repeated in the Sura of the Forbidding (Al-Tahrim) 66:8 from 7 AH, where the believers are told, "O ye who believe, Repent toward Allah with a sincere repentance. It may be ('asa an) that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow."

In the Sura of Repentance (Al-Tauba) 9:18 from 9 AH, almost the end of the Qur'an, Allah says,

"Those only shall worship in the Mosques of Allah, who believe in Allah and the last day and observe proper worship and give alms and fear none except Allah; and it might be ('asa an) that these are of the rightly guided."

In the end, it is a very lonely choice. If a person does not believe, then he is sure to go to hell; but even if he does believe, on the day of judgement, he stands there all by himself in front of Allah. There is no intercessor or friend, and he can only hope that maybe, perhaps, he might be among the blessed. (Campbell, pp. 297-299)

Muhammad himself was uncertain of his salvation and feared the possibility that he would fall from the favor of God. This fact is brought out in both the Quran and the hadith:

And surely they had purposed to turn you away from that which We have revealed to you, that you should forge against Us other than that, and then they would certainly have taken you for a friend. And had it not been that We had already established you, you would certainly have been near to incline to them a little; In that case We would certainly have made you to taste a double (punishment) in this life and a double (punishment) after death, then you would not have found any helper against Us. 17:73-75 Shakir

These are very harsh words and seem to assert that Muhammad was uncertain about his role at times. Zamakhshari comments on this passage:

(As the occasion for the proclamation of this passage) the following is related: The (members of the tribe) Thaqif said to the Prophet: 'We will not join your cause unless you grant to us conditions which we can extol to (other) Arabs, namely, that the tithe not be demanded from us, that we not be expelled (from our hereditary habitats), that we not be required to throw ourselves down in prayer, that (in spite of prohibition against usury) we be paid all interest on money borrowed from us but that all interest be exempted for those to whom we are indebted, that you permit us to continue to manage the shrine of (the goddess) al-Lat for one more year and that after the year we not be required to destroy it with our own hands, and that you assume protection against those who break into our valley Wajj to take away the (sacred) trees. If the (other) Arabs ask you why you have made these (concessions), then say: "God has commanded me to do it."' Now they brought their document and Muhammad ordered to be written: 'In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. This is a writing from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to (the tribe) Thaqif. The members of this tribe are not required to pay the tithe and will not be expelled.' (As the scribe reached this point) they said: '(Now continue)' "And they are not required to prostrate themselves (at prayer)."' But the Messenger of God remained silent (and did not continue to dictate), so they said to the scribe: 'Write: "And they are not required to prostrate themselves (at prayer)!"' At that, the scribe looked at the Messenger of God, and 'Umar ibn Khattab rose up drawing his sword and said: 'Men of (the tribe) Thaqif you have set the heart of the Prophet on fire!' But they replied: 'We are not speaking with you, but with Muhammad.' Thereupon the present verses came down.

(Also) it is related that the (unbelieving members of the tribe) Quraish said to Muhammad: 'Change a verse of mercy into a verse of punishment and a verse of punishment into a verse of mercy in order that we may believe in you!' Thereupon the present verses came down.

Indeed they were near to seducing thee:… The meaning is: Those who were involved in the affair had almost deluded you, that is, through misleading infatuation.

From that We for our part as a command and prohibition a well as promise and warning revealed to thee, that thou mightest forge against Us another: so that you would say something that we have not said in a manner that will be falsely judged as against us. What is meant is the change of promise which the (members of the tribe) of the Quraish had demanded of Muhammad, and also the imperious proposal of the (tribe) Thaqif that Muhammad should ascribe something to God which had not been sent down upon him.

And then, that is, if you had complied with their wish, they would surely have taken thee as a friend, and you would have become their intimate friend (wali) and would have lost the relationship of confidence with me.

And had We not confirmed thee: had not our strengthening and protection ('isma) been with you.

Surely thou wert near to inclining unto them: you had almost inclined towards their deception and cunning. Here God gives to the Prophet encouragement and gracious strengthening, wherein lies an act of mercy for the believers ... (Gätje, The Qur'an and Its Exegesis, pp. 73-74)

Hence, we discover another time where Muhammad is seen compromising his message in order to please the unbelieving Arabs.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The good deeds of any person will not make him enter Paradise." (i.e., None can enter Paradise through his good deeds.) They (the Prophet's companions) said, 'Not even you, O Allah's Apostle?' He said, "Not even myself, unless Allah bestows His favor and mercy on me." So be moderate in your religious deeds and do the deeds that are within your ability: and none of you should wish for death, for if he is a good doer, he may increase his good deeds, and if he is an evil doer, he may repent to Allah." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Number 577)

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "The deeds of anyone of you will not save you (from the (Hell) Fire)." They said, "Even you (will not be saved by your deeds), O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "No, even I (will not be saved) unless and until Allah bestows His Mercy on me. Therefore, do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course whereby you will reach your target (Paradise)." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 76, Number 470)

Narrated 'Um al-'Ala:

An Ansari woman who gave the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet that the Ansar drew lots concerning the dwelling of the Emigrants. 'Uthman bin Maz'un was decided to dwell with them (i.e. Um al-'Ala's family), 'Uthman fell ill and I nursed him till he died, and we covered him with his clothes. Then the Prophet came to us and I (addressing the dead body) said, "O Abu As-Sa'ib, may Allah's Mercy be on you! I bear witness that Allah has honored you." On that the Prophet said, "How do you know that Allah has honored him?" I replied, "I do not know. May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Allah's Apostle! But who else is worthy of it (if not 'Uthman)?" He said, "As to him, by Allah, death has overtaken him, and I hope the best for him. By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will do to me," By Allah, I will never assert the piety of anyone after him. That made me sad, and when I slept I saw in a dream a flowing stream for 'Uthman bin Maz'un. I went to Allah' s Apostle and told him of it. He remarked, "That symbolizes his (good) deeds." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 266)

Narrated Abu Huraira:

When Allah revealed the Verse: "Warn your nearest kinsmen," Allah's Apostle got up and said, "O people of Quraish (or said similar words)! Buy (i.e. save) yourselves (from the Hellfire) as I cannot save you from Allah's Punishment; O Bani Abd Manaf! I cannot save you from Allah's Punishment, O Safiya, the Aunt of Allah's Apostle! I cannot save you from Allah's Punishment; O Fatima bint Muhammad! Ask me anything from my wealth, but I cannot save you from Allah's Punishment." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 51, Number 16)

In fact, Muslims are commanded to pray for their prophet's peace and well-being:

"Lo! Allah and his angels pray (Arabic- yasalluuna) for the Prophet. O ye that believe! Pray for him (salluu alayhi) and salute him with all respect (sallimuu tasliimaa)." S. 33:56


Forgiveness, and continuing Sin

On the same subject of forgiveness, Servidor, you commented that forgiveness is granted IF “the person does not persist” in his sin.   I am curious then, do YOU have any sin that you are still committing?  And if so, doesn’t that mean that you will not be forgiven?  At what point does the sinner have to stop sinning to be able to be forgiven?  If he gets it down to only once day, once a week, once a month? 




You said:

Answer 23

I said:
 "Then what is the purpose of forgiveness? If God did not require perfection, then He would not require that we be forgiven. The fact that we need to be forgiven proves that God requires perfection."
You responded:
It does no such thing on the extreme opposite. It implies the fact that Almighty God has Blessed us with Free Will as life (in Islam) is a test. When you take a test at Unversity does the fact that the Teacher can correct your work later on imply you need perfection to pass? If so you need a new Unversity choice laugh.gif

 My response
Comparing God’s holiness to a  university’s grading is your flaw.  It is  most accurate to compare God’s grading to a meticulously detailed set of engineering design plans.  After the amateur structural engineer finishes his calculations after many months designing to code all the safety factors, he submits them to the supervising senior engineer for approval.  If the plans don’t meet the specs and safety design standards in EVERY respect, they are failed and need to be re-done.


When so much is at risk, so little is let by.  You can go on, Servidor, and keep getting C’s  and D’s in your Physics and engineering classes, shooting only for a PASSING grade, but no one will ever trust you with REAL engineering situations.  God trusts that we will obey ALL His rules, and fulfill all requirements necessary.  He is Just and Holy, remember.  He’s not a slacking judge as you make Him out to be.


Sacrifice and Justice

I said
Yes. God CAN forgive sins without being just. But then God wouldn't be just, meaning God wouldn't be God according to the Bible. I'm not sure about what virtues the god of Islam is said to possess, but the Christian God is committed to justice, all the while granting mercy.

That is one of the chief arguments in the paper in case, that offending God does not come without a price. God is holy, and man is everything but. I am a bit surprised that even you, a self-proclaimed guru of the Bible, correcting Christian's in their own theology, does not understand the magnitude of sin's consequence and the necessary steps of its remediation as laid out clearly down through the repeated drum of the line of prophets."

You resond:
The idea that Almighty God killing somebody is Just is absolutely repugnant and does not imply Mercy not by the Tanakh nor the Holy Quran nor is it even needed. Considering Almighty God can do anything it is a mystery as to why Christians think He would need to kill. Since He can do anything He can forgive without killing if this is True then the crux of Christian theology is the extreme opposite of Mercy i.e Almighty God (God Forbid) wants to kill.

What is the Price? Shouldnt the shop owner choose? You tell me what you will say when the local 7/11 guy says "Okay that will be one sinless man and 16,00 years of sacrificed lamb". Indeed there is a price and according to Judaism and Islam it is prayer, repentance, good deeds, and trying not to do bad deeds very simple, very just, and most of all logical.

My response:

You’re right, the shop owner should choose.  And if you know anything about Judaism, you would see what God chose – innocent blood.  Yeah, it might seem illogical to you, just like prison seems illogical to the car thief, and probation for the child-molester.  That is the humorous thing, Islam claims to be the continuation of Judaism and Christianity, but it understands nothing of either.  Islam has no knowledge of SIN and SACRIFICE.  Islam can claim what it wants, but don’t claim to be worshipping the same God as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Furthermore, you’re right again, the shopkeeper at 7/11 probably wouldn’t require the sacrifice of a man to pay for gas.  He would require what is EQUAL with what you’re indebted to him for, 20 bucks for gas.  But if you’re not trying to get gas, but instead want the life of his wife, he will surely want EQUAL payment.  He and the judge would require for you to pay with capital punishment – life for a life.


The same concept applies with our sin situation.  You agree that the PAYMENT for sin is hell.  Hell is like death.  You not living with God in paradise, but instead are dying with evil in hell.  Your punishment is spiritual capital punishment.  In order to release you from this duty, a payment of equal value is needed, an innocent life.  And this is what Jesus won for us on the cross, dying for OUR sins so that we would NOT have to PAY for them. 


I said:

He then said on Trinity "So because it is confusing to Servidor, it means it is not true. I'm picturing Servidor in an E&M Physics class raising his hand to the professor and when called upon says, "now, Prof, what you teach does not make sense to me, and what the books teaches is totally wack. Therefore It CANNOT be true." I think the whole class would be laughing at him by now, just as anyone reading his great response above. Even the Qur'an says that no one will understand God's writings fully but God Himself. To claim that God is supposed to fit inside Servidor's head is blasphemy."

Servidor said:
Trinity is not being able to understand Almighty God that is not what I meant I simply mean that the scripture never implies it nor is it logical by Almighty Gods Nature. Sure we cannot understand Him in His entirety but surely He would not confuse mankind once again that is not Just nor is it Merciful and you missed the crux of my Biblical quote:

"For God is NOT the author of confusion . ." I CORINTHIANS 14:33 That does not mean we can understand each and every detail about Him however it strongly implies that He does not confuse mankind. Any single human who has learnt 2nd Grade Mathematics and read only the Tanakh would laugh at the Trinity Doctrine it is confusing to the point of no return.such we need not be confused on the concept of whether Almighty God forgives or not.


My response:
That is exactly what you said:  Also the names are indeed confusing one guy three names I am very confused should God be confusing me?”  To prove the trinity wrong, you appealed to nothing more than that you did not understand it.  You said nothing of the sort that “the scritpure never implies it”.  If that is what you want to say now, that is great.  Let us venture down that path and really test out whether scripture implies the trinity.


I will take the passive stance and first let you try to show me why scripture DOES NOT imply the trinity.  I will await your evidence. 


You said:

And by the way I did not correct Christian Theology I pointed out that you and your missionarie buddies doctrine is not in concordance with it. I studied your theologians you obviously dont because the implications that you express in regards to the Trinity are the absolute opposite of what they say.
My response:

I would like to know point by point what part of me and my “buddies doctrine is not in concordance with” Christian Theology, with references.  Thanks.


I look forward to reading your responses. 


For the Glory of Christ,


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